We strive to conduct our business in a manner that reflects our desire for honesty, integrity and ethical conduct.
Driven by these values, we take our wider corporate responsibility seriously and recognise that our activities have an impact on our employees, customers, suppliers and the environment. As such, we work hard to create value for those groups and to minimise or mitigate any potential negative impacts as much as possible.
We invest in the development of our employees, and are committed to providing a positive and enjoyable working environment. We have a professional and open culture where staff can exchange ideas and offer suggestions for improvements. We also encourage our employees to build on their skills through appropriate training and regular performance reviews.
We recognise the importance of maintaining high standards of health & safety and healthy working conditions for staff, customers, visitors, contractors and other people who may be affected by our business activities.

Environmental Performance
We strive to audit and review all measurable objectives around waste generation, recycling and energy consumption in order to continually develop, maintain and improve our systems, processes and equipment and advance our environmental performance. As part of that effort, we currently:
- have all general waste compacted and collected by a contractor for disposal;
- mill all cardboard products and recyclable polythene;
- farm or Biomass food by-products;
- dispose of glass/light fittings/metal etc. according to the guidance of the Environment Agency;
- offer charge points for electric cars; and
- encourage car sharing, cycling and public transport for staff and visitors.
We expect all employees, contractors and suppliers to adhere to the same environmental standards we do.

All our materials are sourced from audited and ethical growers, as part of our BRC accreditation. We work closely with them to ensure we use only natural and sustainable products, and that they meet our requirements for safe and legal work.

Our customers are a key consideration in our approach to corporate responsibility. We believe in clarity and transparency, and are open and honest about our products and services. We listen to and engage with our customers, carrying out regular research to learn more about how we can improve our service.